Wednesday, February 2, 2011

In the beginning...

Ok, Well, Here goes nothing...
I'm 24, I've got 7 years in the Army, I've got an associate's degree in Paramedicine, I'm a Paramedic in Oklahoma City, OK.   I've got four-legged babies, a little fluffy named Cocoa, and a big wrinkle headed Boxer named Rylie.  I've played hockey most of my life, and "I can see Canada from my house." (Spoken in my best Sarah Palin voice.)  I was born and raised in a small town outside of Bismarck, ND. 

My daddy taught me all about cars, how to keep them running and how to run them.  My mom taught my how to cook, and bake.  My family taught me how to be stubborn, and "strong-willed" as my grandfather would say.  I've skated with some of the best, and those on their way to being the best.  I've enjoyed coaching the most, my dream is when one of my "kids" makes it big, they will say that I taught them something.  I'm a Paramedic, and every person that I've met has taught me some lesson, even if it is, "don't ever live like that."

I'm scared of large fish tanks, taxidermy, and birds.  I have a bad back and my career in the Army is dependent on just how bad it is...  I'm not the best at everything, and I'll be the first to say.  I have much to learn.

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